Wednesday 6 August 2008

תתן אמת ליעקב - GRANT TRUTH TO YAAKOV

This is the final posek of the prophecy of Micah. It defines the special quality, מידה of Yaakov Avinu.

Yaakov Avinu was given his name by הקב''ה, (or alternatively by Yitzchok) as Rashi states at the beginning of תולדות. The Midrash and Zohar tell us on the posek in Tehillim אשר שם שמות בארץ that the first inhabitants of this world knew why they gave a particular name to a child. It encompassed their potential and events that might take place in the person’s life. Yaakov Avinu was given the potential to elevate the whole of the טבע to the level of אדם הראשון when he was created. At that time there was only אמת in the world. חז''ל tell us חותמו של הקב''ה אמת the seal of Hashem is truth. In the same way the special quality attributed to Yaakov is אמת as stated above in the last verse of Micah’s prophecy.

If we go back to the first three words in Torah בראשית ברא אלקים, the last three letters are אמת. The final letters of the three words ending the description of the seventh day of creation, ברא אלקים לעשות, once again spell out אמת, because Hashem created the world with the quality of אמת.

Unfortunately, after the sin of Odom Harishon, the world became spoiled and we now have an עולם השקר a world full of lies and deceit.

I believe that we will be able to see that יעקב actually reached the level of Odom Harishon קודם החטא and he fulfilled the potential embodied in his name..

Yaakov Avinu’s life was connected to, and I would suggest predicated on, the number 7. In fact, יעקב totals 182 which is itself 26 times 7. The world was created in seven days and 26 is the numeric value of הוי', the name of essence שם העצם of Hashem. This, therefore, reflects the potential within him.

As we look through his life we find that at the age of 63 (9 times 7) he received the brochos from Yitzchok which commenced ויתן לך. It is significant that the brochos included the following יעבדוך עמים וישתחו לך לאומים הוה גביר לאחיך , Nations will serve you and peoples bow down to you. He was explicitly given the power over the inhabitants of the world including his own brother.

A little later, still at the age of 63 (9 times7) he was told to go to Lovon and choose a wife there.

Just as an aside, I believe the reason why he did not go immediately as instructed by his father, was that we are told in סדר עולם , that when Yaakov reached the age of 63, that was the year that bothרחל and לאה were born. They were twins. Therefore there was not much use in going to Lovon when they had just been born and even at the age of 7 they would not have been very grown up. He, therefore, waited for the next multiple of 7 (2 times 7 = 14) and then did what his parents told him to do, namely go to Choron to find a wife.

On his way to חרן, when he was 77 (11 times 7) he had the famous dream of the ladder stretching from the earth to the heavens with angels ascending and descending on the ladder. Hashem promised him the land of Israel and that it would pass onto his descendents.

He arrived at Choron when he was 77 years of age (11 times 7). He undertook to serve Lovon for 7 years for the hand of his daughter רחל. When after seven years he was tricked by Lovon, he then served for another 7 years and therefore, had both רחל and לאה as full wives.

Lovon duped him by switching Leah for Rochel and when Yaakov reproached him, replied מלא שבוע זאת, complete 7 days and I will give you Rochel as well on condition you work a further 7 years.

The name רחל, the lady who he specifically wanted to marry, has a numerical value of 238 (34 times 7).

Yaakov wanted to marry her when she was 14 but did not have any money because Elifaz had taken all his wealth and, therefore, he had to wait for another 7 years until she was 21 (3 times 7) and he did marry her then, albeit 7 days after having inadvertently married Leah.

7 years later, at the age of 91 (13 times7) Yaakov asked Lovon to allow Yaakov to amass his own wealth and the extraordinary story of the white, speckled and striped sheep took place.

Meanwhile, Yosef had been born when Yaakov was 91, (13 times 7) and Rochel was 28 at the time (4 times 7).

When Yaakov finally left Choron with the whole family, without telling his father-in-law, and was chased, there took place the famous altercation between Yaakov and Lovon. During this Lovon accused Yaakov of stealing his תרפים, idols, which in fact Rochel had taken to try and save her father from further idol worship or divining what had happened.

Inter alia, Yaakov said to Lovon .עם אשר תמצא את אלהיך לא יחיה Whoever should be found with your idols shall not live, and Yaakov, not knowing that his wife Rochel had taken it, inadvertently passed her death sentence. Rochel was 34 at that time and her gemmatria as mentioned above, was (34 times 7) 238.

Yaakov knew that Rochel was his זיווג by, among other things, noting that all the 7’s fitted together.

Interestingly enough, Yaakov worked for six years amassing his fortune and did not work for 7 years as Hashem told him to return to Eretz Yisroel. Could it be that as his life was predicated on 7 and the 7 days of creation were in fact 6 days of work and on the 7th day שבת וינפש “Hashem rested” in the same way Hashem arranged for Yaakov not to work that 7th year for himself but to return to Eretz Yisroel.

When Yaakov finally met Eisov after 34 years, we know that Eisov had nurtured his anger for all that time. We find that nevertheless, when they finally met the Torah states that Eisov ran over to Yaakov וישקהו ויחבקהו, he embraced him and he kissed him. That was, of course, extraordinary but if you look carefully at what happened immediately prior to that, Yaakov bowed down seven times. I would suggest that as Yaakov Avinu had so elevated himself, he had, in effect control over Nature and, therefore, Eisov had no option but to make it up with Yaakov.

All this shows comprehensively that Yaakov’s life was tied to the number 7. However, let us go further. We know that Yaakov lived for 147 years (21 times 7). One of the names of Hashem is אהי'ה = 21. Not only did Yaakov have an affinity with 26 times 7 (182) represented in his name. He also had this affinity with 21 times 7. He died in מצרים. We all know that Bnei Yisroel went down to Egypt and were there for 210 years (30 times 7). Right at the end, before they were taken out of Egypt, Hashem appeared to Moshe Rabbenu and we have the famous story of the burning bush mentioned at the beginning of parshas Shemois.

At that time Moshe Rabbenu asked Hashem “When the Bnei Yisroel ask me who sent me, what should I say?” He is told אהי'ה אשר אהי'ה, אהי'ה שלחני אליכם Our ancestor Yaakov Avinu had established in his final years of life, leading up to 147 (equals 21 times 7, אהי'ה) the basis for the Bnei Yisroel being taken out of Egypt again, with אהי'ה , being the name Hashem had told Moshe to show as His representation at that time. You will also note that the Bnei Yisroel were in Egypt for 210 years which equals 10 times 21. At the end of that period once the 10 plagues had been brought down on the Egyptians, they went out from bondage.

Coming back to the posek that I quoted at the beginning, תתן אמת ליעקב, the word אמת totals 441 that is 21 times 21, this equalsאהי'ה times ( אהי'ה אשר אהי'ה) אהי'ה . Remember that מדתו של יעקב was אמת, the outstanding quality of Yaakov was truth.
Furthermore, 63 times 7 equals 441. You may recall that earlier on, I mentioned that at the age of 63 Yaakov had been blessed by his father and told to find a wife. Obviously, to continue future generations and we know that all the children of Yaakov were Tzaddikim.

We are all aware that Yaakov was the third of our Ovos, Avrohom, Yitzchok and then Yaakov. If you take the 441, אמת and divide it by 3 you have exactly 147, precisely the years of his life.

We find that Hashem said to Avrohom, אנכי מגן לך The word מגן has a value of 93. We know how important this statement is because the first brocho of Shemono Esrai, which is know as the brocho of Avrohom, ends מגן אברהם, the shield of Avrohom.

The second brocho is known as Yitzchok’s brocho, אתה גיבור and the quality of גבורה is that of Yitzchok.

The third brocho אתה קדוש ends ה'אל הקדוש , א'ל represents Yaakov and it adds up to 31, exactly one third of the 93 mentioned above, and this is the same pattern of the third generation representing one third of its value. (93 divided by 3 = 31)

In addition to Yaakov taking the multiple 7 which represents טבע, nature, and elevating it to the utmost degree, he worked on various other מדות , qualities.

At the time of his dream of the angels ascending on the ladder (as mentioned above age 77, 11 times 7) we find that he stated as follows אם יהיה אלקים עמדי. He undertook to fulfil various things, as mentioned in Torah. We know that the name אלקים represents Hashem as מידת הדין strict judgement. א'ל represents the softening of the מידת הדין. Yaakov achieved it to such an extent that we find a verse which says ויקרא לו א'ל אלה'י ישראל and Rashi explains that Hashem called Yaakov א'ל , he represented this to such an extent that eventually he acquired a new name Yisroel, ישרא'ל which translates as completely upright, ישר with א'ל. That is why the only brocho in the whole of Shemono Esrai which ends with a name of Hashem is the one, mentioned above, the third brocho which ends ה'אל הקדוש . We are blessing Hashem as not only א'ל but at the same time implying that Yaakov epitomised that particular מידה. Please also note that all the words in that brocho according to Nusach Ashkenaz and Arizal total 14, (2 times 7).

I mentioned earlier on, that each of the individual Ovos had their own special quality. That of Avrohom was Chesed. The very posek that I started with in Micah says תתן אמת ליעקב חסד לאברהם Yitzchok’s middoh was Gevurah and Yaakov had a mixture of the two which is known as תפארת splendour. His splendour reached the level of emulating Odom Harishon before he sinned. In fact, the Gemora says שופריה של יעקב מאין שופריה של אדם הראשון. The (spiritual) beauty of Yaakov was similar to that of Odom Harishon.

The mekubalim tell us that there are five levels of Gevurah and in order take the sting out of them and sweeten them, המתקת הדינים we have to utilise Yaakov’s כח and especially in his emanation as Yisroel. Not for nothing, before we start our Shemonah Esrai, do we use the name Yisroel five times צור ישראל – גאל ישראל. The word Yisroel is the one introducing the Bnei Yisroel to the highest level of communication with Hashem, standing before him in Shemonah Esrai.

I mentioned earlier on that מגן equals 93 and א'ל equals 31 and that Yaakov, the third of the Ovos after Avrohom is represented by a third in numerical value. However, I would suggest that once he was given a new name by Hashem, ישראל, he had, in fact, elevated himself back personally to a level almost equivalent to Avrohom. יעקב equals 182. Three times 182 equals 546. ישראל equals 541. There is a difference of 5 represented by a ה.

As Avrohom’s name was originally אברם and Hashem had given him an extra ה, that ה 5, had already been utilised by Hashem for אברהם.

If we look at the name of Hashem י'ה'ו'ה' and spell in out in full, there are four ways of spelling it. If spelt יוד הי ויו הי the total comes to 72 which is the same number as חסד. That represents the highest level alluding to Avrohom whose middo was Chesed.

The next level is יוד הי ואו הי and this totals 63, this is known as Yitzchok’s level. Isn’t it interesting to see that the number 63 pops up again. I mentioned earlier that Yaakov was 63 years of age when יצחק gave him the ברכות and when he was told by his father to go and find a wife and from that to build up the בני ישראל.

Yaakov is represented by יוד הא ואו הא which adds up to 45. That is exactly the same number as Odom אדם which adds up to 45 and I mentioned above that Yaakov Avinu reached the level of Odom when he was created.

Yaakov Avinu, of course, had two wives, not only Rochel but Leah לאה. It is interesting to note that the word הא'ל has exactly the same letters as לאה. After all, the majority of the children born to Yaakov, six sons and one daughter (7 in total) came from Leah and all of them were born in the space of 7 years.

Of course, הא'ל and לאה both equal 36. The Gemora tells us that in every generation there are 36 hidden tzaddikim. Taking the הא'ל as representing the male tzaddikim and לאה representing the female צדקניות together they add up to 72. That, once again, is the numerical value of chesed, which together they created in the world.

Occasionally, you get a generation where there is one such great and holy Tzaddik that he carries the whole world spiritually on his shoulders. Yaakov Avinu represents such a Tzaddik and we known that R’ Shimon Bar Yochai and R’ Yehoshua Ben Levi also represented a similar level צדיק יסוד עולם

One other example of the affinity of Yaakov to a multiple of seven is that in respect of the קרבנות brought in the Bais Hamikdosh, we find that the only time that there were 14 lambs brought each day were during the seven days of Succos where there were 14, 2 times 7, and Succos is known to represent the Yom Tov of Yaakov.

The sefer Beraishis commences with Odom Harishon and ends with the passing away of Yaakov. Looking at the parshas of Torah (I do not mean the sedras but the individual paragraphs in the Sefer Torah) we find that many, in fact most, start off with the letter ו, Vav, being the continuation of the previous paragraph or chapter. There are, however, exceptions.

Going through sefer Beraishis, we find the following exceptions [for ease of reference I am quoting according to the chapters and verses quoted in all Chumoshim nowadays. This is not a Jewish concept and was in fact first introduced by a Non-Jewish priest many hundreds of years ago but has been utilised in common practice.]

Chapter 2 verse 4 אלה

Chapter 3 verse 16 אל האשה

Chapter 5 verse 1 זה ספר

Chapter 6 verse 9 אלה תולדת נח

Chapter 11 verse 10 אלה תולדת שם

Chapter 15 verse 1 אחר הדברים האלה

Chapter 36 verse 20 אלה בני שעיר

All the other paragraphs and chapters which start not with a Vav, are in פרשת ויחי commencing with chapter 49 verse 5 שמעון and after that we have יהודה, זבולן, יששכר, דן, גד, מאשר, נפתלי, בן פורת יוסף, and finally בנימין .

The gematria of the first letters of all those I have enumerated above, being the first letter of a new chapter (i.e. פרשה) total 441, which is exactly the same as אמת. The final chapter, which starts with the word בנימין has in it the story of the passing of Yaakov from this world, therefore, it is the fitting climax to have the final ב of Binyomin completing the sum of 441 to emphasise the special quality of Yaakov, namely אמת. The Targum on the words תתן אמת ליעקב translates, Give the truth of Yaakov to his children, namely that this quality of truth passed on as an inheritance to the Bnei Yisroel.

If one examines the verses commencing with בנימין, that is the Chapter 49 verse 27, and takes the first letter of each verse, for example the second verse starts with the word כל and one goes forward to Chapter 50 verse 12 which starts ויעשו בניו לו and counts the first letters of each verse, these again add up to 441. Namely the quality of אמת passed over to the children and the final verse ends כאשר צום, as he commanded them.

There are other allusions to the word אמת which are worth mentioning.

Our Rabbis tell us אמת יש לו רגלים, שקר אין לו רגלים. If you look carefully at the letters א מ and ת they each have two legs and one can stand easily and firmly on two legs whereas ש ק ר have each only got one leg and it is much more difficult to stand on one leg. The idea is that truth is firm and cannot be shaken. There is a Zohar Hakodesh which says that the word אמת represents the first letters of אלף מאתים תשעים which are mentioned at the end of the prophecy of Doniel about the time when Moshiach will come.

We also find that the א is the first of the letters of the Aleph Bais, and ת is the last one. If one includes the five extra end letters ם ן ץ ף ך one then has 27 letters in total. If you go to the middle letter i.e. the 14th letter this will be the מ and, therefore, אמת represents the beginning, the middle and the end all in one straight order .

Turning to the פסוקי דזמרה, immediately after Ashrei we have the הללוי'ה which includes the following אשרי שא'ל יעקב בעזרו, Praiseworthy is the person whom Hashem of Yaakov will be his help and it continues השמר אמת לעולם, Who guards the truth for ever. The end of that מזמור is ימלך יהו' לעולם אלהיך ציון לדר ודר הללוי'ה the gematria of the first letters is 182, exactly that of Yaakov. This is also the final part of the קדושה said every day when there are ten males together at the third brocha, which as mentioned above, is that of Yaakov. Please also note that both א'ל and יעקב are emphasised in this מזמור.

Looking at Shemonah Esrai, we find another reference to אמת. That is a mention of אמת in the middle of the paragraph commencing על הצדיקים. Obviously righteous people are the ones that cleave to the אמת. Once again, near the end of Shemonah Esrai, the expression used is ויברכו את שמך הגדול באמת. Again, the idea is, that we bless Hashem’s great name “in truth”. In the middle of the Shemonah Esrai for Shabbos we say וטהר לבנו לעבדך באמת. Finally, in the Tefilloh of Mincha of Shabbos where Yaakov is specifically mentioned, יעקב ובניו ינוחו ובו , it says מנוחת אמת ואמונה . The Tefilla of Mincha of Shabbos represents Yaakov Avinu.

Both in Tefillas Shacharis and Maariv immediately after Krias Shema (which of course we know that Yaakov and his children said between them) the final words as articulated by the Baal Tefilla are ה' אלקיכם אמת.

There is a well known quote from חז''ל יעקב אבינו לא מת,. One can perhaps suggest that Yaakov did not die (in a spiritual sense and as a continuing symbol to his children) because the א before מת was never separated, he always adhered to the אמת. In fact, you could say that the א is shaped like a י a ו and another י which together add up to 26 which represents הוי' and a spiritual aspect. The Torah tells us ויעקב איש תם, , תם is the opposite of מת.

Let us turn to the Nes of Purim. The court of Achashverush, Homon and Vashti was the epitome of שקר, lies and deceit. Both Mordechai and Esther had to work against this with אמת. When the decree was issued Mordechai’s reaction was to gather together the Jewish children in Shushan and teach them Torah, the first letters of אסתר מרדכי תורה are אמת.

Esther’s reaction was to call all Jews in Shushan to fast. Once again, this spells out the same message אסתר מרדכי תענית. The first letters spell out אמת.

Together they achieved their object and the Jews had salvation. That is represented by אסתר מרדכי תשועה.

This was not just a miracle for that time, but as we say in ,שושנת יעקב תשועתם היתה לנצח it was a miracle for all times and we celebrate Purim each year.

This was in the zechus of Yaakov whose middo was אמת.

Just in case you might think that that I have given a complete picture of how Yaakov’s life was tied to the letter 7 let us explore a few more ideas.

The main wife of Yaakov, as we all know, was, of course, Rochel and we find that there were exactly 14 (2 times 7) of her offspring that went to Mitzrayim as mentioned in Parshas Vayigash .

As we know after Rochel died, Yaakov transferred to the tent of בלהה. בלהה totals 42 (6 times 7).

We find that both in Vayigash and again in the parsha of Shemos it is mentioned that the Bnei Yisroel who went down to Egypt amounted to 70 souls. This is despite the fact that one has to add in not only Yosef and his two sons (who were born in Egypt and they were already in Egypt when the Bnei Yisroel went down to Egypt) but Yocheved who was born just as they reached the gates of Egypt. In order that the Bnei Yisroel should have a strong affinity with Yaakov and be able to survive in Egypt and eventually leave the country, there had to be an affinity with 7. 10 times 7 = 70.

Another mention of 70 is when the Egyptians mourned Yaakov for 70 days. This was followed by his children making an official 7 days of אבל on the way to Eretz Yisroel with his body.

There are also exactly 7 sedras from the time Yaakov birth is mentioned in תולדות until ויחי when he passed away.

The time that the Bnei Yisroel were in Egypt from the date that Yaakov came down to Egypt was, of course, 210 years, 30 times 7.

We find that at the time of the sin of Odom and Chava, Chava took from the fruit of the tree and, no doubt, used her hand, יד to do so. She then gave the fruit to her husband, Odom, and again used her hand. Perhaps one could suggest that Yaakov Avinu wished to rectify these two matters and, therefore, learned Torah for 14 יד years and then spent another 14 years יד in order to acquire wives and a family to continue with the correct Torahdik way of life. This, of course, had been lost by Odom and Chava because they had eaten from the Etz Hadaas and יד had been used twice as I mentioned above.

Bearing this in mind, one could also understand why it was that when Yosef brought his two sons Ephraim and Menasheh to be blessed by Yaakov, Yaakov switched his hands and put his right hand יד onto Ephraim and the left hand יד, on Menasheh. Ephraim represents Torah and Menasheh the more mundane world. This would fit in with the fact that Yaakov had learned Torah first for 14, יד years and then spent 14 years יד acquiring wives and a family.

It is also significant that Yaakov’s expression about Ephraim and Menasheh is כראובן ושמעון יהיו לי. This really meant that in addition to being the natural successors by birthright of Yosef, Ephraim and Menasheh were children to Yaakov as were the children of Leah also and, therefore, the יד applied to both of them from all sides, so as to speak.

The Bnei Yisroel carried on the tradition of affinity with 7 in numerous ways. Seven weeks after the Bnei Yisroel left Egypt they received the Torah. This of course, has an affinity with Moshe’s first vision at the burning bush which in turn was triggered by Yaakov coming down to Egypt and preparing the ground for Bnei Yisroel to last out there as a nation and finally leave Egypt.

When the korbonos were brought at the time of the consecration of the Mishkon it says מזרק אחד כסף שביעים שקל one bowl weighing 70 shekolim (10 times 7). The bowl alluding to Yaakov and the 70, of course, to the 70 Bnei Yisroel who went down to Egypt.

Furthermore, the שלש רגלים represent the three Ovos. Pesach is represented by Avrohom, Shavuos Yitzchok and Succos Yaakov. On Succos each day 14 lambs (2 times 7) were sacrificed, twice the normal of any other Yom Tov. You will recall that Yaakov originally, when asked for his reward by Lovon, suggested separated sheep. This is all connected together.

The Haftorah of Vayechei talks about the death of Dovid who lived exactly 70 years (10 times 7). We are told by the Medrash that Odom Harishon gave him those 70 years as Odom should have lived 1,000 years but only lived 930 years. Yaakov Avinu reached the spiritual heights of Odom Harishon and was the “king” of his children and the Bnei Yisroel. Dovid Hamelech was, of course, king of Bnei Yisroel.

Let us hope and pray that the זכות of יעקב אבינו and his affinity to אמת, coupled with his strong connection with the letter 7 should stand us in good stead so that we should be able to cleave to the אמת and have an affinity with 7 by keeping Shabbos and Shmitta etc. until the coming of משיח , במהרה בימינו אמן.

ניסן תשס''ח

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